Laure M. Hiendl

  1. New Commissions

    2025 • New Orchestra Piece for Donaueschinger Musiktage 2025, Premiere October 2025

    2026 • New Work for Klangforum Wien, Premiere March 2026 MaerzMusik Berlin

  2. Performances

    2024.12 • Premiere of Chronochromatic Variations I by Alba Llorach Roca at Mozarteum Salzburg

    2024.11 • Premiere of Chronochromatic Variations III by Octandre Ensemble at London Contemporary Music Festival

    2024.11 • Premiere of Chronochromatic Variations II by Freesound Ensemble Toronto

    2024.10 • Performance of String Quartet No. 1 by Broken Frames Syndicate

    2024.07 • Tour of the US Northeast by the Exceptet Ensemble featuring In Abeyance

    2024.03 • Performance of String Quartet No. 1 by the International Contemporary Ensemble at MaerzMusik 2024

    2024.02 • Premiere of the opera SUPER digital dreams at Mozarteum Salzburg, as part of my habilitation process

    2023.12 • Choreography for Ray Ray of Light by July Weber: "The Devil's Hour"

    2023.11 • Portrait concerts featuring Ten Bullets Through One HoleWhite Radiance™ and In Abeyance at project [BLANK] in San Diego, as part of California New Music

    2023.09 • Performance of Ray Ray of Light by Cantando Admont at Transart Festival Bolzano

    2023.09 • Y-E-S Collective concert at Heizhaus Berlin

    2023.03 • Performance of Contretemps/Soliloquy by Ensemble NAMES at Neue Residenz Salzburg

    2023.03 • Premiere of Songs for Captured Voices at MaerzMusik 2023 by Elaine Mitchener and Ensemble KNM

    2023.03 • White Radiance™ performed at MaerzMusik 2023 by Elaine Mitchener and MAM

    2023.03 • tonus performed at Nowy Teatr, PL

    2023.03 • String Quartet No. 2 performed by Ensemble Garage at the German Academy Rome

    2022.12 • Premiere of «Seht meine Wunden… by Collegium Novum Zürich at the SONIC MATTER Festival

    2022.10 • String Quartet No. 2 performed by Ensemble Garage at the Frau Musica Nova Festival Cologne

    2022.10 • Premiere of Ray Ray of Light by Cantando Admont at Leechkirche Graz

    2022.04 • In Abeyance and String Quartet No. 2 at Radialsystem, Berlin

    2022.03 • Songs for Captured Voices performed at Künstlerhaus Wien, AU

    2021.12 • String Quartet No. 2 performed by NeoQuartet in Gdańsk, PL

    2021.10 • Premiere of In Abeyance by Ensemble KNM at Fahrbereitschaft, Berlin

    2021.09 • Excerpt of BERGEN performed at Warsaw Autumn Festival

    2021.05 • String Quartet No. 2 premiered at Festiwal Musica Electronica Nova Wrocław by NeoQuartet

    2021.02 • Online-Premiere of Songs for Captured Voices at Radialsystem Berlin

    2021.02 • Ten Bullets Through One Hole performed at ECLAT Festival Stuttgart

    2020.12 • String Quartet No. 1 (Tubular–Mondo) performed by Sonar Quartett in Radialsystem Berlin

    2020.11 • Video-Interpretation of Stockhausen's "Musik für ein Haus" by Ensemble KNM for Weiwuying, Taiwan

    2020.10 • White Radiance™ premiered at Donaueschinger Musiktage by Elaine Mitchener and MAM

    2020.08 • The Body of Work for Ensemble Mosaik, premiered at AckerStadtPalast, Berlin

    2019.11 • tonus performed by Ensemble KNM at Gyeongsang National University, Jinju

    2019.10 • BERGEN performed at 3hd Festival at HAU2 Berlin

    2019.09 • Ten Bullets Through One Hole performed by Cantando Admont at Bruseum Graz

    2019.09 • We called it utopia performed by Kwadrofonik at Sacrum Profanum Festival Kraków

    2019.09 • BERGEN performed at Bergen Assembly / Parliament of Bodies

    2019.08 • OFFSHORE performed at Uferstudios Berlin

    2019.08 • BERGEN premiered at Ausufern Festival at Uferstudios Berlin

    2019.05 • We called it utopia premiered by Yarn/Wire at DiMenna Center, New York City

    2019.03 • Alles beginnt immer jetzt and tonus performed by Ensemble KNM at Uferstudios Berlin

    2019.02 • Contretemps/Soliloquy performed by Staatskapelle Weimar

    2019.01 • Contretemps/Soliloquy premiered by Zafraan at Ultraschall Festival Berlin

    2018.12 • Music for Hotelbars performed by Zafraan Ensemble at Waldorf Astoria Berlin

    2018.09 • OFFSHORE Suite performed by Callum G'Froerer at PROGR Bern

    2018.09 • still|arriving and microphase performed at Y-E-S Fest at Agora, Berlin

    2018.08 • Ten Bullets Through One Hole premiered by M. Schwier and R. Enticknap at Darmstädter Ferienkurse

    2018.05 • excyte premiered by Ensemble KNM Berlin at Poesiefestival, Akademie der Künste Berlin

    2018.05 • little moments of invisible deaths performed at Spectrum in Brooklyn, New York

    2018.04 • tonus performed by Ensemble KNM at Radialsystem Berlin

    2018.04 • HighWay performed at Live Arts Week, Bologna

    2018.03 • String Quartet No. 1 (Tubular–Mondo) premiered by JACK Quartet at Symphony Space, New York City

    2018.02 • OFFSHORE Suite performed by Callum G'Froerer at Unerhörte Musik at BKA Theater Berlin

    2017.12 • Alles beginnt immer jetzt premiered by Lester St. Louis at Issue Project Room, New York City

    2017.11 • OFFSHORE Suite performed by Callum G'Froerer at Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne

    2017.11 • tonus performed by Ensemble KNM at Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires

    2017.10 • OFFSHORE Suite performed by Callum G'Froerer at Tura New Music Festival, Perth

    2017.10 • OFFSHORE Suite performed by Callum G'Froerer at Flutgraben e.V. Berlin

    2017.08 • HighWay performed at Diver Festival Tel Aviv

    2017.05 • HighWay performed at FLAM Festival Amsterdam

    2017.05 • tonus performed by Ensemble KNM at Festiwal Musica Electronica Nova Wrocław

    2016.12 • HighWay premiered at Montag Modus, CHB Berlin

    2016.10 • PARADISE premiered at musikprotokoll / steirischer herbst 2016 in Graz

    2016.10 • UniSolo performed by Dustin Donahue at the Percussive Arts Society Convention, Indianapolis

    2016.08 • i found a space… performed at Darmstädter Ferienkurse

    2016.06 • still|arriving performed at Pacific Bodies at Flutgraben e.V. Berlin

    2016.05 • Zeichnung (ensemble version) performed by Zafraan Ensemble at Forum Wallis, Leuk

    2016.04 • little moments of invisible deaths performed at The Firehouse Space in Brooklyn, New York

    2016.04 • Zeichnung (ensemble version) performed by Ensemble Inverspace in Kuala Lumpur

    2016.03 • little moments of invisible deaths performed at The Firehouse Space in Brooklyn, New York

    2016.03 • Testomania premiered by Ekmeles at DiMenna Center, New York City

    2015.12 • Zeichnung performed at the Columbia Composers Electroacoustic Concert, New York

    2015.10 • Schichtung performed at Installakcje Festival, Warsaw

    2015.09 • Zeichnung (ensemble version) performed by Zafraan Ensemble at Kontraklang, Heimathafen Berlin

    2015.07 • Zeichnung at panIKEArth, Berlin

    2015.05 • tonus (solo version) premiered by Emmanuelle Bernard at Unerhörte Musik, BKA Theater Berlin

    2015.03 • Zeichnung produced with and premiered by Miguel Pérez Iñesta at Cultural Center, Gijon

    2014.11 • tonus premiered by Schallfeld Ensemble at Minoritensäle, Graz

    2014.05 • Schichtung premiered by Zafraan Ensemble at reinhören Festival Münsterplatz, Basel

    2014.04 • UniSolo performed by Alexandre Babel from Ensemble KNM at rbb Galerienwanderung, Berlin

    2013.12 • OFFSHORE premiered by the International Contemporary Ensemble at Roulette, New York City

    2013.10 • UniSolo premiered by Dustin Donahue at UC San Diego

    2013.03 • Portrait concert by the International Contemporary Ensemble at The Kitchen, New York

  3. Awards / Stipends

    2022 • Ernst von Siemens-Musikstiftung Composition Commission

    2022 • Rome Prize of the German Academy Rome

    2021 • Styria-Artist-in-Residence

    2020 • Ernst von Siemens-Musikstiftung Composition Commission

    2020 • Kompositionspreis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart (1st prize)

    2016 • Johann-Joseph-Fux Opera Composition Prize Graz (1st prize)

  4. Curation

    2022.07 • Musik Installationen Nuremberg, supported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Kulturfonds Bayern and others

    2022.09 • Y-E-S Fest 2022 at Uferstudios, Berlin

    2018.09 • Y-E-S Fest 2018 at Agora, Berlin. Supported by Musikfonds

    2017.10 • Y-E-S collective/score publishing platform, co-founded with Stellan Veloce, Neo Hülcker, Andreas Dzialocha and Kaj Duncan David

    2016.06 • Pacific Bodies mini-festival at Flutgraben, Berlin. Supported by inm berlin

    2014.08 • The Darmstadt Forum III. The Debt of the Lucky: How to Deal With Funding? Debate at Darmstädter Ferienkurse co-curated with Patricia Martinez

  5. Publications

    2019.08 • Die Textur des Lebens. Jennifer Walshe's "Everything is important" published in MusikTexte 162

    2018.11 • Jedes Wort ist Musik, published in MusikTexte 159

    2017.08 • Sein, wie wir sein wollen. Lose Gedanken zum Gesamtkunstwerk published in MusikTexte 154

    2015/16 • editorial work for John Cage/Morton Feldman: Radio Happenings published by MusikTexte Verlag

    2015.10 • Welche Objektivität? published in Frankfurt im Takt WS 2015/16

    2015.05 • Medienrevolution und Neuer Konzeptualismus published in MusikTexte 145

    2014.08 • Ein andauerndes Jetzt. Roger Reynolds im Gespräch, published in MusikTexte 142

  6. Radio

    2021.05 • Portrait show at SRF2, Musik unserer Zeit. Listen here

    2021.02 • rbb Kultur Beitrag zu Songs for Captured Voices. Listen here

    2021.02 • SWR2 Mittagsjournal about the award for Ten Bullets Through One Hole. Listen here

    2020.10 • SWR2 Radiokonzert Donaueschinger Musiktage

    2020.10 • Interview in SWR2 Treffpunkt Klassik. Listen here

    2019.10 • Portrait show at rbb Kultur, Musik der Gegenwart. Listen here

    2016.10 • ORF Zeitton on PARADISE. Listen here

  7. Academic Writing

    2024 • Habilitation on Composition and Digitality. Three Meditations on an Entanglement

    2020 • Dissertation on Queer Composition. Subversive Strategies in Western Classical Music

    2017 • Listening Act as Responsible Listening: Looking at Pauline Oliveros’ Sonic Meditations through Speech Act Theory

    2012 • Fausto Romitelli: An Index of Metals. A Compositional Analysis

    2011 • Traces Through Time. Developments in Edgard Varèse’s Hyperprism, Intégrales and Déserts

    2010 • Liberating the signs: John Cage's Concert for Piano and Orcestra

  8. Academic Awards and Stipends

    2021 • Columbia University Charles S. Miller Award (distinction of the highest standard in Music Composition)

    2019-20 • Dissertation Fellowship Columbia University New York

    2015 • Dean’s Fellow Columbia University New York

    2009 • Dr. Bernhard Scheuble-Stipendium

    2007 • Oscar und Vera Ritter Stiftung

  9. Teaching

    2024 • Associate Professor for Composition at University Mozarteum SalzburgHead of Department Composition and Music Theory

    2021 • Assistant Professor for Composition at University Mozarteum Salzburg

    2020.S • Music Humanities at Columbia University, New York

    2019.F • Undergraduate Composition at Columbia University, New York

    2009-11 • Research Assistant at Warren Recording Studios at UC San Diego

  10. Education

    2020 • Columbia University New York. Doctorate in Music Compositionwith George E. Lewis 

    2011 • University of California San Diego. Master in Music Composition, with Roger Reynolds

    2009/12 • Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. Diplom in Music Composition, with Beat Furrer

    2007/09 • Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. Vordiplom in Piano and Conducting